
Loads information pertaining to vouchers applied to the order


[%cart_vouchers type:'voucher'%]
    [%param *body%]
        <p>[@vprogram_title@] - [@reward_points@] points</p>


The cart_vouchers tag is a promotional tool that allows for functions like earning reward points and sending gift vouchers.


Name Options Description
type:'' reward, voucher Define the type of voucher
*header HTML & b@se tags Renders a single usable space above the body
*body HTML & b@se tags Runs an array for each option in the tag
*footer HTML & b@se tags Renders a single usable space below the body
ifempty:'' HTML & b@se tags If the type selected has no content pages, it will display this content

Data Tags (body)

Some fields may not return data depending on what the type is and if the customer has entered the details.

Name Voucher Field Example Description
[@count@] 0 Counter of the displayed vouchers starting at 0
[@gift_message@] Happy Birthday! Message to the recipient of the gift voucher from the purchaser
[@item_count@] 1 Counter of the displayed vouchers starting at 1
[@recipient_email@] Email address of the voucher recipient
[@recipient_name@] Fred Thompson Name the voucher belongs to (if appropriate)
[@required_date@] 2018-08-09 14:00:00 Date and time the voucher email is scheduled to be sent (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
[@required_date_12hr@] 2 Hour the voucher email is scheduled to be sent (12 hour clock)
[@required_date_am@] pm Returns if the voucher email is to be sent in am or pm
[@required_date_day@] 09 Day of the month when the voucher email will be sent (two digits)
[@required_date_hr@] 14 The hour on the day when the voucher email will be sent (24 hour clock)
[@required_date_min@] 00 The minute on the day when the voucher email will be sent (two digits)
[@required_date_mon@] 08 The month when the voucher email will be sent (two digits)
[@required_date_sec@] 00 The second when the voucher email will be sent (two digits)
[@required_date_yr@] 2018 The second when the voucher email will be sent (two digits)
[@reward_amount@] Value 269.8 The dollar amount assigned to the Gift Voucher or the value of the reward point converted into dollars
[@reward_id@] 2 The voucher reward program ID number. Returns 0 for the Gift Voucher Program
[@reward_points@] 2698 The amount of reward points earned in the voucher
[@sender_name@] Samatha Thompson The name the voucher was sent by if appropriate
[@voucher_type@] gift Type of voucher. Options: blank - Reward / Loyalty Program, gift - Gift Voucher Program
[@vprogram_id@] ID 1 Voucher program ID number
[@vprogram_multiplier@] Points 10 When using the Reward / Loyalty Program, the is the point of points that give $1 credit
[@vprogram_id@] Subtitle Earn points when you shop Subtitle of the voucher/reward program. By default it is not visible on the front end of the site
[@vprogram_title@] Title Gift Voucher The voucher campaign title

Note: Using the default date selector, the [@required_date_min@] and [@required_date_sec@] will always be 00.

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