
Lists the active vouchers in a customer's account


  [%param *body%]
    <div class="alert alert-success">
      <h4>You have an active voucher!</h4>
      <p>Remember that [@voucher_title@] still has [%format type:'currency'%][@remain_amount@][%/format%] left!</p>


This will list all the active vouchers in a customer's account along with details about what value they are, what the voucher was, etc.


Name Options Description
*header HTML & b@se tags Renders a single usable space above the body
*body HTML & b@se tags Runs an array for each option in the tag
*footer HTML & b@se tags Renders a single usable space below the body
ifempty:'' HTML & b@se tags If their are no active vouchers, this block is printed in place of the header, body & footer
Name Example Description
[@count@] 1 Number of returned gift vouchers or rewards

Data tags (body)

Name Voucher Field Example Description
[@apply_amount@] 0 Amount of credit in dollars (or site currency)
[@apply_points@] 0 Credit converted to points
[@count@] 0 A counter which will start from 0 and count for each time the body parameter runs
[@date_created@] Date Created 2018-08-05 14:33:03 Date the voucher was purchased (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
[@remain_amount@] Balance 100.00 Remaining unused balance
[@remain_points@] 0 Remaining reward points on voucher
[@reward_amount@] Amount Credited 100.00 The total dollar amount of the voucher on creation
[@reward_points@] 0 The total reward points of the voucher on creation
[@voucher_balance@] Balance 100.00 Total dollar amount left in voucher
[@voucher_code@] Voucher Code V0000000006849 The unique code for redeeming the voucher
[@voucher_id@] ID 68 The unique voucher ID for the specific voucher
[@voucher_once@] n This is the Voucher Usage field from the Gift Voucher settings. n - Unlimited uses until balance is 0, 1 - Single use only
[@voucher_title@] Title Gift Voucher The name of the voucher
[@vprogram_earn_end@] 2020-06-30 12:00:00 The Program Earn End date and time from the Voucher/Reward Program settings (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
[@vprogram_earn_start@] 2017-04-01 00:00:00 The Program Earn Start date and time from the Voucher/Reward Program settings (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
[@vprogram_expire_date@] Expiry Date 2019-02-21 14:33:03 Date and time after which the voucher can't be redeemed (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
[@vprogram_id@] 1 ID number of the Voucher/Reward Program
[@vprogram_multiplier@] 10 If Use Points Instead of AUD is selected in the Voucher/Reward Program, this is the value of the points that is converted to one dollar
[@vprogram_subtitle@] Earn reward points while you shop Subtitle from the Voucher/Reward Program settings
[@vprogram_title@] Program Gift Voucher The voucher program title
[@vprogram_type@] Type gift The voucher program type:
gift - Gift Voucher
reward - Reward Program
thirdparty - 3rd Party Gift Voucher Program
[@vprogram_use_days@] 200 Vouchers / Points Expire setting from the Voucher/Reward Program settings
[@vprogram_use_end@] 2020-06-30 00:00:00 The Program End date and time from the Voucher/Reward Program settings (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
[@vprogram_use_max@] 0.00 (Reward / Loyalty Program) The Maximum Redeem Amount from the Voucher/Reward Program settings
[@vprogram_use_min@] 0.00 (Reward / Loyalty Program) The Minimum Redeem Amount from the Voucher/Reward Program settings
[@vprogram_use_mod@] 0.00 (Reward / Loyalty Program) The Can only be redeemed in multiples of setting from the Voucher/Reward Program
[@vprogram_use_start@] 2017-04-01 00:00:00 The Program Start date and time from the Voucher/Reward Program settings (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

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