
Generates a barcode based on the selected parameters


[%barcode_url fn:'' height:'10'%][@order_id@][%/barcode_url%]


The barcode_url tag will generate a barcode based on either the fn:'' parameter or whatever is within the tag. So for our sample above, the [@order_id@] would be taken a barcode generated from it. But this can be replaced with plain text or other tags as necessary.

If you wanted to display a barcode image of an order, you could place the barcode function in a img tag like the following:

<img src="[%barcode_url fn:'' height:'10'%][@order_id@][%/barcode_url%]"/>

The barcode image would look like:

Code 128 barcode

[%barcode_url fn:'code128' height:'20'%]9300675031301[%/barcode_url%]


Name Options Description
fn:'' article, code128, order, other Specifies the barcode for certain functions, can be empty.
article - consignment article number
code128 - barcode using the Code 128 or ISO/IEC 15417:2007 standard
order - order number
height:'' Integer The height of the <img> element generated, will not effect the actual size of the barcode within it, just create extra white space as necessary.
width:'' Integer The width of the <img> element generated, will not effect the actual size of the barcode within it, just create extra white space as necessary.
scale:'' Integer The scale of the barcode, or effective size. 2 would use 2 pixels per barcode unit, making it twice as big in each dimension, 3 would be 3 pixels per barcode unit and so forth.
rotate:'' 90 Rotates the barcode 90°, currently there are no other angles for this param.
cngmt:'' [@cngmt_id@] Renders a barcode for the specific consignment ID
art:'' [@article_id@] Renders a barcode for the specific shipping article ID
barcodetype:'' String Specifies barcode types on certain shipping documents. Options: address, atl, datamatrix, details, ecl, routing

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